In January 2010, as Russ was recovering from his first greenhouse collapse, he met again with geothermal greenhouse consultant, Barry Naef, to go over his new greenhouse design and rebuild.
Naef had three main concerns as Russ rebuilt his greenhouse,
1) An opportunity to re-design the geo-air system to obtain much better energy efficiency,
2) To design the new Finch pit-style greenhouse to avoid flooding and heat loss,
3) To create a better shape and design to avoid future structural collapse.
Although Naef had many years of experience, and engineers on staff, Russ disregarded his concerns and felt things were good enough, and Russ made no significant improvements to the new Finch greenhouse design.
Sadly, the new design Finch greenhouse, built by Allen Bright at Antioch Machine, LLC, in Alliance, Nebraska did collapse again
recently, in late December 2022, ...and all was lost due to design and construction failures.
The "Citrus In The Snow" story, and publication is even more valuable now.
This is not just a 30 year report on 'geothermal energy systems' and 'greenhouses', but a report on the absolute importance of 'properly designed and constructed greenhouses'.
Geothermal, geo-air, and geo-solar systems are efficient, and are not the issue. Properly designed greenhouses are the issue...
Are You Serious?
If you are truly serious about a geothermal greenhouse, or any greenhouse, please read this publication before you proceed with plans or construction of your greenhouse.
The GreenQuest Research Institute is not just part a green-energy research group since the early 1960's, but we also specialize in extremely low cost publications and educational resources globally. We're happy for our wonderful years with Russ Finch and his project. (Green Quest)
Our organization has recently prepared a very low-cost, but very informative package of three (3) essential publications for only $8. You won't regret the small investment, and you can see the Index pages of all three publications by clicking on the link below:
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Green Quest Research Institute
division, Green Quest Holdings
Copyright © 2010-2025 Russ Finch, Barry Naef, and GreenQuest Research Institute
Photo credit: Chris Amundson
Co-authored and compiled
by Barry Naef
Legally authorized publication by
Russ Finch and Barry Naef since 2010
Graphics copyright GreenQuest staff
Website managed by GreenQuest Research Institute
GreenQuest Research Institute, div.,
Green Quest Holdings